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Socket PlugIn


Socket Plugin will be replaced soon by BungeeLite. Please refrain from using Socket Plugin in new projects.

Socket Plugin enables protocols to bring seamless multichain UX with just 20 minutes of integration & near zero overhead on developer resources

Socket Plugin lets you accelerate on your multichain roadmap & provide users a 10X better onboarding experience:

  • Onboard users from 8+ chains to your app seamlessly
  • Allows users to start from ANY token & land in the token needed for your app in a single txn!
  • Solve gas woes of multichain users & ensure they can immediately interact with your app

Bungee - Socket PlugIn - DEXs and Bridges

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Socket Plugin lets you build a custom bridge tailored to your needs. Here are few reasons why you will love integrating the Plugin:

✅ Open-source: To collaborate and fixing the multichain together

✅ Quick integration: Add a bridge to your app in 20 minutes with just a few lines of code

✅ Security: Pre-select chains, whitelist bridges, and curate token lists

✅ Themes: Customize colors to match your branding


The leading protocols in the space trust Socket Plugin to simplify multichain onboarding