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Gateway Fee Collection

How Fee Collection works on Gateway Contracts

How Fee Collection works on Socket Gateway

  • Fees will always be deducted from the inputToken on the source chain. Fees are deducted for swap txs and bridging txs.
  • Fees can now dynamically be set when calling the Quote API. Two new params need to be passed when calling Quote APIfeePercent and feeTakerAddress
  • Please contact the Socket team for the feeTakerAddress. We’ll set this contract for you & share the address
  • The Fee Collection logic lies in the FeesTakerController contract. FeesTakerController is a part of the (new) SocketGateway contracts. The contract has been audited and deployed on all the supported chains.

Passing Fee Params in Quote

  • Two new query parameters have been introduced in Quote API
    feePercentThe % of fee to be cut from the source input token amount NOTE : Fee Percent can be up to three decimal places and cannot be more than 5%
    feeTakerAddressContact the Socket team for the feeTakerAddress value

Example Quote Request

Quote for deducting 5% fee on swapping 0.033 ETH to USDC on Arbitrum

curl --location --request GET '**&feeTakerAddress=0x0E1B5AB67aF1c99F8c7Ebc71f41f75D4D6211e53&feePercent=5**' \
--header 'API-KEY: 1b2fd225-062f-41aa-8c63-d1fef19945e7'

Example Quote Response

  • Quote response returns integratorFee object will have the following parameters in the response -
    • Asset - The token in which the fee is being charged.
    • feeTakerAddress - the address where the fee will be sent to in the transaction.
    • amount - amount of fee being charged for the transaction.
    "integratorFee": {
    "feeTakerAddress": "0x0E1B5AB67aF1c99F8c7Ebc71f41f75D4D6211e53",
    "amount": "1687843767742083",
    "asset": {
    "chainId": 42161,
    "address": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
    "symbol": "ETH",
    "name": "Ethereum",
    "decimals": 18,
    "icon": "",
    "logoURI": "",
    "chainAgnosticId": null

Building the calldata with fee params

  • Using Build-Tx (POST)
    • If you’re using the Build-Tx (POST) endpoint, you won’t have to make any changes
  • Using Build-Tx (GET)
    • If you’re using the Build-Tx (GET) endpoint, you will have to pass two new query parameters in the requestfeeTakerAddress and feePercent. The values for these have to be the same that were passed in Quote Passing Fee Params in Quote
    • Example Request
      curl --location --request GET '[**feePercent=5&feeTakerAddress=0x0E1B5AB67aF1c99F8c7Ebc71f41f75D4D6211e53**](' \
      --header 'API-KEY: 1b2fd225-062f-41aa-8c63-d1fef19945e7'

Viewing Claimable Fees

  • Socket will be setting up a 0xSplits dashboard for the feeTakerAddress that we share
  • All the fees collected across chains can be viewed on this dashboard. Below is a screenshot of an example dashboard

View Claimable Fees

Claiming Fees

  • Fees can be claimed from the 0xSplits dashboard as can be seen below
  • You can add the feeTakerAddress and CHAIN_ID in the URL below to go to the dashboard for claiming fees

Claim Fees